Lucile Rapin

Chercheuse-Stage postdoctoral


Bureau : DS-4425
Téléphone : 514-987-3000 poste 8182
Courriel :

Intérêts de recherche

  • Sciences Cognitives
  • Neuropsychologie
  • Santé mentale : schizophrénie, TDA/H, troubles du spectre autistique
  • Parole intérieure
  • Accent d’emphase contrastif

Rayonnement professionnel

Enseignement de cours

  • Cours à l’UQÀM : FPE4250 Automne 2013: Éducation, épistémologie et métacognition


Thèse de doctorat

  • Rapin, L. (2011). Hallucinations auditives verbales et trouble du langage intérieur
    dans la schizophrénie: traces physiologiques et bases cérébrales. (Auditory verbal hallucinations and inner speech disorder in schizophrenia: physiological traces and cerebral substrates)

Articles dans des revues nationales et internationales avec comité de lecture

  • Poissant, H., Rapin, L., & Mendrek, A. (2014). Intergenerational transmission of fronto-parietal dysfunction during forethought in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging.
  • Rapin, L., Poissant, H., & Mendrek, A. (2014). Atypical Activations of Fronto-Cerebellar Regions During Forethought in Parents of Children With ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 1087054714524983.
  • Lavigne, K. M., Rapin, L. A., Metzak, P. D., Whitman, J. C., Jung, K., Dohen, M., … & Woodward, T. S. (2014). Left-dominant temporal-frontal hypercoupling in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations during speech perception. Schizophrenia bulletin, sbu004.
  • Poissant, H., & Rapin, L. Les modèles neurocognitifs du TDA/H. In F. Bange (Ed), L’aide mémoire des TDA/H, à tous les âges de la vie. Paris: Dunod. (2014).
  • Perrone-Bertolotti, M., Rapin, L., Lachaux, J. P., Baciu, M., & Lœvenbruck, H. (2014). What is that little voice inside my head? Inner speech phenomenology, its role in cognitive performance, and its relation to self-monitoring. Behavioural brain research, 261, 220-239.
  • Rapin, L., Dohen, M., Polosan, M., Perrier, P. & Loevenbruck, H. (2013). An EMG study of the lip muscles during covert auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 56, 1882-1893.
  • Poissant, H., & Rapin, L. (2012). Facteurs de risque dans le Trouble Déficitaire de l’Attention et de l’Hyperactivité: étude familiale. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 21:4, 253-260.
  • Rapin, L., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., Metzak, P., Whitman, J., & Woodward, T.S. (2012). Hyperintensity of functional networks involving voice-selective cortical regions during silent thought in schizophreniaPsychiatry Resarch : Neuroimaging, 202:2, 110-117; doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2011.12.014.

Article invité

Actes de colloques

  • Loevenbruck, H., Rapin, L., Duval, C., Dohen, M., Polosan, M., & Perrier, P (2013). Labial EMG activity during wilful inner speech and during auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia. 11th meeting of the French Neuroscience Society. Lyon, France, 21-24 May.
  • Lavigne, K. M., Rapin, L., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., Whitman, J. C., Metzak, P. D., & Woodward, T. S. (2012). Hyperactivity in a functional network involving voice-selective cortical regions during thought generation in hallucinating schizophrenia patients. Society for Neuroscience 42nd annual meeting, New-Orleans, USA, 13-17 October.
  • Rapin, L., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., Granjon, L., Polosan, M., & Perrier, P. (2011). Orofacial muscle activity during inner speech and auditory verbal hallucination : implications for a speech motor control. 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, Montréal, Canada, 20-23 June.
  • Rapin, L., Polosan, M., Dohen, M., Bougerol, T., & Loevenbruck, H. (2009). Collecting traces of activity in orofacial muscles during auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia patients. Proceedings of the American Psychiatric Association. San Francisco, United-States, 16-21 May.
  • Rapin, L., Dohen, M., Granjon, L., Loevenbruck, H. & Polosan M. (2009). Récupération d’activité musculaire oro-faciale lors des hallucinations auditives verbales chez les patients schizophrènes. Proceedings of Troisièmes Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Aix-en-Provence, France, 4-5 December.

Résumés et notes publiés

  • Poissant, H., & Rapin, L. (2012). Les pères et les mères des enfants avec un trouble déficitaire de l’attention/hyperactivité : un suivi du projet EPIDEMIO 5 ans après. Association Québécoise pour les Troubles de l’Apprentissage (AQETA). Montréal, Canada, 21-23 March. (communication)
  • Poissant, H., & Rapin, L. (2012). A familial study of risk factors and comorbidities in Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders. First National Parental Mental Health Conference/Third International World Congress on Children of Parents with Mental Illness. Vancouver, Canada, 6-8 May.
  • Poissant, H. & Rapin, L. (2012). Corrélats cérébraux de l’autorégulation cognitive dans le TDAH. Colloque de Méthodologie de recherche en neuroéducation et retombées éducatives, 17e Congrès de l’Association mondiale des sciences de l’éducation (AMSE), Reims, France, 3-8 June.
  • Poissant, H., Mendrek, A., Senhadji., & Rapin, L. (2012). Forethought experience in ADHD: a study of the neural and behavioral correlates. The fifth international conference on cognitive science, Kalingrad, Russia, 19-23 June.
  • Rapin, L., Metzak, P., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., & Woodward, T.S. (2011). Verbal thought generation and auditory perception in schizophrenia : a follow-up fMRI study. The Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, Québec ville, Canada, 26-30 June.
  • Rapin, L., Metzak, P., Whitman, J., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., Sato, M., & Woodward, T.S. (2010). Increased activation of the auditory cortex in schizophrenia in thought generation and auditory perception. The Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 6-10 June.
  • Rapin, L., Metzak, P., Whitman, J., & Woodward, T.S. (2010). Aberrant auditory cortex activations during verbal thought generation may contribute to hallucinations in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. The Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, 16-20 April.
  • Rapin, L., Metzak, P., Whitman, J., Dohen, M., Loevenbruck, H., Sato, M., & Woodward, T.S. (2010). Verbal thought generation and auditory perception in schizophrenia are associated with increased activation of the auditory cortex. 2nd Biennal Schizophrenia International Research Conference, Florence, Italia, 10-14 April.